domestic violence is marriage a do or die affair 1plus1e radio

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Trending on social media today domestic violence, is marriage a do or die affair? This young lady here was recently reported for attempted murder of her beloved husband who she got married to barely six months ago. What could be the cause of her actions? To my own personal understanding, if the marriage is not working perfectly for you and you can no longer bear the heat, i will advise you kindly walk away or seek for a divorce rather than putting somebody's life at stake. If your spouse is no more important to you he or she is still very important to his or her first family and friends, you can't just take someone life like that, for what? Because you have some issues with your spouse and your best option is to take his or her life, were you the one that brought him or her to this life? Before you engage yourself in marriage, i want to believe you must have know that person very well, you don,t just dive into marriage because your mates are getting married or based on similar situations. Before you get married ask your boyfriend/girlfriend questions if you are not comfortable with his/her response better disagree at that time and go your separate ways rather than engaging yourself into the kind of marriage you never wanted and ended up in domestic violence. This has to do with both men and women. My own life is very precious to me and my first family that i wouldn't want any lady out there to come and endanger my life, same apply to that young lady out there who i may pick interest in. Communication has a big roll to play in a relationship before getting married, don't just get married to who don't know, i feel so bad seeing all these domestic violence report everywhere on social media and local tv channels what matter with young couples of current age? In marriage you agree to disagree, you learn how to manage each other, endure the unexpected displayed character from your spouse, remember you are from different background, brought up by different parents from a different society, you must not have the same character, learn to manage each other.
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